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Multiple site support gives you peace of mind knowing that everyone across all your locations are kept safe and complying with workplace practices.
Want to speak to a real person? Contact us.
You’re all sorted with Multiple Site support
Easily deploy visitor, contractor and employee sign-in management across your country or internationally.
Control all aspects of your workplace management solution over multiple sites and locations from one central dashboard.
Accurately represent your brand for all your sites with individual branding for each location. Simply upload logos and choose your brand’s colours.
Flexible kiosk options with location specific branding displayed on tablet kiosks along with tailored ID badge printing for each site.
Easily categorise your people based on different locations for better reporting. Segment your visitors and contractors for each location or site to efficiently track sign-ins.
Be more compliant through automating the most common reports and generate the data you need based on each location across your organisation.
Level 10, 440 Collins Street Melbourne VIC 3000 Australia
1968 S. Coast Hwy 3931 Laguna Beach, CA 92651 USA
EzySignin - All-in-One Workplace Management Software. All Rights Reserved © 2022
Location: Level 10, 440 Collins Street, Melbourne VIC 3000